Query Filtering

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
$where Condition(s) under which an entity should be returned in the result set.


$where Parameter

The $where parameter enables callers to filter results based on a custom expression or function that determines whether a particular item or record should be included in the query results


Constant Description
true Boolean true value.
false Boolean false value.
null NULL object reference.


In the below table, x and y denote expressions.

Logical Operators

Operator Description
! x
not x
Logical negation. x must be a Boolean type.
x = y
x == y
x eq y
x equal y
x != y
x <> y
x ne y
x notequal y
Not Equal.
x < y
x lt y
x LessThan y
Less than.
x <= y
x le y
x LessThanEqual y
Less than or equal to.
x > y
x gt y
x GreaterThan y
Greater than.
x >= y
x ge y
x GreaterThanEqual y
Greater than or equal to.
x && y
x and y
x AndAlso y
Logical AND. x and y must be a Boolean type.
x || y
x or y
x OrElse y
Logical OR. x and y must be a Boolean type.

Other Operators

Operator Description
x ?? y null Coalescing. Evaluates to x if x is not null; otherwise, y.
np(x) null Propogating expression.
np(x, y) null Propogating expression with default value y.